Sunday, March 30, 2008

Primitive Doodle

Okay, so I write this blog, almost daily. I post a doodle, then I pop in some sort of verbiage, usually a little description. And from time to time I frame the words-part as if I'm a little surprised at what I see in the picture-part. Which often is true. I mean, I'm the guy who just drew it, right? So I should have an inkling what the intend was, donchathink? But, see, these are doodles and, as often as not, vast chambers of my brain remain unoccupied when I scrawl some on this stuff down. And a picture might end up looking a little more this way or that way when I take a good look at it. So even five minutes after the fact, a drawing may be perceived by me, the observer, quite differently than what was put down by me, the artist. Which brings us to this happy little bastard. Here's a doodle I found in a very old scratch pad. Drawn years, and years ago. I thought it sorta interesting, then I saw that faint inscription "CAVE GUY". What? I meant this to be a cave man? It doesn't look anything like a prehistoric type to me now. A biker, maybe. A beat poet... perhaps some 57 year old drummer in a rock band. But a cave guy? Where's his club? His raggedy animal skin mumu? Did I intend him to be a cave man, or was that something I thought of later? I guess what I'm say is... what was I thinking?


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